by Noella Noelophile®M
Here’s some fantastic news–and some okay news.
The fantastic news first.
Museum of Make Believe are hard at work on their inaugural exhibit, for their soon-to-be brand-new physical museum space, in Laguna Beach!
They’re set to open later this autumn.
While they haven’t yet announced a specific date, this is going to be absolutely magical.
You’ll recall from our previous interview with artist Amy Mitchell that she and her husband Geoff first created the Museum of Make Believe in April, 2020. Since then (and despite the pandemic) they’ve hosted all kinds of pop-up events to spark the imagination.
Technically, Museum of Make Believe is an art museum. But that term doesn’t do it justice.
Putting the “magic” in imagination
The goal here, Amy explains, is to encourage visitors to explore their creativity through art and storytelling. Events are interactive, hands-on and whimsical.
And my personal favorite so far has been “Winter Wonderland: A Vintage Christmas”, last December. This was one of the most imaginative and fun virtual events I’ve ever experienced.
All along, though, the vision has been to open a physical space.
Expect plenty of magic when the doors open. Museum of Make Believe’s fundraising page says the new space will be a storybook forest setting. Their inaugural exhibit is entitled, “Ghost Stories & Fairy Tales”.
(Sounds Christmasy to me! After all, isn’t Dickens’ A Christmas Carol the ultimate “Christmas ghost story”?)
I’ll look forward to sharing more details with you as they become available.
And next…

(Royalty-free image by FreeFunArt from Pixabay.)
Now–on to the okay news.
Since there are only twenty-four hours in every day, Museum of Make Believe won’t get to “Halloween” with the community as they normally do. They will be missed!
They’d like to invite you to enjoy their past festivities.
Here’s where you can enjoy all their past Halloween events, this Halloween! You’ll get to see their “Hallows’ Eve Curiosity Show”. The recorded live stream from their “Headless Horseman’s Hallows’ Eve” is likely to send a few tingles up your spine. And don’t miss their floats from the previous years’ “Anaheim Halloween Parade”! Their creations include Rose the Fox Princess, Fricka the Dragon, the Moon Rabbit, and the Light Queen of the Enchanted Forest. Not to mention their three witches trapped in birdcages!
Now, are you in a position to help support them as they achieve their dream?
Here’s a link to their fundraiser, where you’ll see a video of some of their past work.
Imagine what they’ll do when they have a permanent physical space!
After all, now is a great time to start imagining enchantment.