A Halloween Wish

by Noella Noelophile®
Black longhaired cat against a black background

(Royalty-free image by Claudia from Pixabay.)

For us, Halloween 2023 comes with an extra black cat.

Our new family member showed up, one morning, months ago.   He was very timid (and still is).

“Whose cat?”

Shorthaired black cat sits outside in wooded area.

(Royalty-free image by freestocks from Pixabay.)

None of the neighbors seemed to know.  But there he was, hanging out with our next-door neighbors’ orange tomcat, “Boots”, the undisputed king of our block.  (Boots has the “starving-animal” routine down to a meowy science–no matter which neighbor fed him ten minutes ago!)

Well, with our two turning up their noses at what we’d fed them, and two cats outside asking for food–what would you have done?

“Serenade”, so named for his habit of announcing his presence through under-window concerts, quickly fell into the habit of  coming to be fed with his orange, sociable companion.   Any sudden move would elicit a sharp hiss from him–but then, he’d come back and gulp down the proffered meal.

A quandary

Close-up of black cat's face with yellow eyes

(Royalty-free image by Pexels from Pixabay.)

Every week, we’d have a similar discussion.

“Any way we can adopt him?”

“Probably not, with ours–he might hurt them.”

Serenade showed up one morning, limping on an injured paw.

“Any way we can adopt him?”

“But where could we put him, away from our other cats?”

Things continued as they were.

Serenade came to the front door, about a month later, with scrapes on his sides.  He looked as though he’d been in a tussle with another animal.

“Any way we can bring him inside?”

“Maybe that front room?  But we’d have to move a lot of stuff…”

Things continued as they’d been.


Long-haired black cat with green eyes against white background

(Royalty-free image by Paul C. Lee from Pixabay.)

One morning, a coyote pranced up to our front door.   Serenade and Boots dashed away.   With a complete attitude of entitlement, the coyote grabbed the bowls of cat food, carrying them away and scattering them across our lawn.

“Let’s get a look at that front room…”

One day of cleaning, a humane trap, no microchip and some scared hisses later, Serenade is now our kitty.

He loves chicken, enjoys milk and doesn’t care at all for vet visits.   The vet suggests that time and patience may get him comfortable with us.

Black cat curled up on a blanket.

(Royalty-free image by Jasmin from Pixabay.)

We’re so thankful we were able to bring him in before the coyote could get him–even if he hisses at us every day of his life.  (He’s actually a very good, clean kitty, who took to a litter box quickly and is now ensconced comfortably in the cat tunnel we brought him.)

Keep a good thought for us as we get him acclimated?  And Happy Halloween to you and yours.

May any black kitties that cross your path be as lovable as Serenade.

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