Getting Ready for Easter

by Noella Noelophile®
Bay Shore Church with Operation Easter Basket sign

“Operation Easter Basket”, Bay Shore Church, 2015.

On Easter morning, it was there.

A springtime-colorful new basket, filled with chocolate eggs, marshmallow chicks, and jellybeans.  In the center presided a large chocolate Easter bunny.

That will always be a favorite springtime memory for me.  How about for you?

This spring, nonprofit Community Action Team (C.A.T.) invites you to help them create that magic for children in need, ages 4 to 12.

volunteers place ahampoo and body wash on the tableA community tradition

Every spring, Long Beach community activist/”Chief Inspiration Officer” Justin Rudd hosts “Operation Easter Basket”.

This is one of approximately 60 events which C.A.T. sponsors in Long Beach, throughout the year.  Their mission: to promote social well-being among the general public–which they do through events celebrating kids, family, animals, the environment and creativity!

And if you’re in the Southern California area, Justin would like to invite you to be a part of the one-day volunteer event happening on Sunday, April 6th.   Here’s where you can register.

bucket with shampoo and body washThe experience

From 11:30 am to 3:30 pm, that Sunday, volunteers will gather at Bay Shore Church to assemble around 2,400 gender-neutral Easter baskets.

This is done assembly-line style: volunteers pick up an empty basket with Easter grass, add personal-hygiene items such as shampoo and body wash, school supplies, socks, a small toy and possibly art supplies.

And, of course, candy.

Volutneers assemble Easter baskets at tables inside the church hallVolunteer shifts for “Operation Easter Basket” are two hours each, and there are three shifts.  Heads-up if you want the 11 am to 1 pm shift, though–these seem to be going fast, with only 20 spots left at this writing.

Baskets get donated to local schools and organizations which have put in a request.  Past recipients have included Long Beach Rescue Mission, Boys and Girls Clubs of Long Beach and Tichenor Clinic for Children.

Not only is the volunteer event an uplifting, inspiring reminder that our world still contains some fantastic people–it’s also a lot of fun.

Four volunteers pose by the open back of a car with completed Easter basketsPeople arrive throughout the day to donate baskets, and the “basket brigade” gets called into action when an organization arrives to pick up their request.





Volunteers load completed Easter baskets into a flatbed of a gray pickup truckAnd don’t be too surprised if the room erupts in applause, at some point.   That tends to happen when the goal is reached!

(This year’s goal: 2,400 essentials-filled baskets, according to Justin’s website.)

Additional ways to help

But, you don’t have to wait until next week to get involved.

Operation Easter Basket also needs donations: of supplies, completed baskets and financial contributions.

Here’s the link to donate online if you would like to do so.

candy for Easter baskets

However, if you’re in the area and would like a more hands-on role, you’re also invited to either purchase and drop off supplies–or assemble some baskets for drop-off at Bay Shore Church’s youth center from 11 am to 2 pm on the 6th.

If you’re assembling baskets for donation, you’ll find guidelines on this page.  Each basket should be between $20 and $25 in value, and contain the items mentioned on the “wish list”.  And please, no toy guns, water pistols or sprayers.

Table full of candy in the foreground as Long Beach Chief INspiration Officer Justin Rudd and volunteers fill Easter baskets, 2015

A very Happy Spring, and early Happy Easter, to you!  May it be a time of hope, inspiration and community.

“Operation Easter Basket” hosts their 2025 volunteer event from 11;30 am to 3:30 pm, Sunday, April 6th at Bay Shore Community Church, 5100 East The Toledo, at Granada, in Long Beach.  Completed baskets may be dropped off from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm that day at the church’s youth center.


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